Sash and Case Windows Edinburgh

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Painting sash windows

Painting Your Sash & Case Windows

Sash & Case Windows are unique original features to many homes, often decades or centuries old. It’s therefore extremely important that they are carefully maintained in order to extend their lifespan.

A common problem for Sash & Case Windows comes from cracked and flaked paintwork. This decay of the paint work leaves the timbers exposed to the weather and susceptible to decay. Keeping your windows regularly maintained and repainted ensures that they remain sealed and resistant to the elements.

Sash & Case Windows Direct offer a professional Painting service. We will carefully asses your windows to determine the extent of decay, and repairs or replacements that are necessary, such as rot treatment, replacement ropes etc, before painting. It’s important that this work is carried out before painting. If not, subsequent repairs will damage the paintwork, or unresolved rot or decay will spread underneath the new paint.

The Solution

As part of the preparation for painting your windows, previous paint work should be stripped back and sanded where necessary for the best results. In order to maintain the traditional design and appearance of your sash windows, it’s important to understand what should and should not be painted, which is a good reason to call an expert.

Many period properties with sash windows have windows that have been painted shut, effectively sealing the surfaces together and preventing them from being opened properly. This happens when the different surfaces are not painted in the correct order

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Painting Sash & Case Windows Edinburgh

Painting Your Sash Windows 

Another common mistake is to paint over the ironmongery. These latches and clasps are important for the functioning of the windows. They are also beautiful original features that should remain on display and not be painted over.

Choosing paint is also very important. Some paints are not compatible with others. This becomes important when painting over previous paintwork, and getting it wrong can lead to failing paintwork which peels off and allows moisture in. Another tip involves using the correct paints ensuring that you only have to paint the windows every 6 – 8 years, meaning less maintenance.

If you’re unsure of how to tackle a painting job for your Sash & Case Windows, we’d be happy to advise and take on the job for you.

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