Sash and Case Windows Edinburgh

Spring Sale Extended!

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Best Practices For A Better Planet

At the heart of our business are our environmental credentials. We don’t see ourselves just as joiners. We certainly don’t think that eco guidelines are just for others. We pride ourselves on the continual review of every aspect of our business to maximise our environmental benefits. To minimise any potential harm.

That’s why we’ve so diligently reached out and taken best practice advice and support. Reviewing our every working practice. Documenting our approach. Pledging our best practice. Traditional Craftsmanship. Modern thinking. That’s why we have Platinum Accreditation from Zero Waste Scotland.

Built to last. Made to be enjoyed.

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Sash & Case Windows Edinburgh
Joiners for Period Properties Edinburgh

Platinum Accreditation

We are vocal supporters of the great work undertaken by Zero Waste Scotland to support the responsible use of products and resources and the individual and collective impact we can have on addressing climate change.

One of our proudest achievements is being recognised by Zero Waste Scotland by the award of Platinum Accreditation for our pledges and undertakings taken to address Climate Change as a business.

Our Eco and Environmental impact continues to be a fundamental focus for everything we do as a business.

Traditional Craftsmanship. Modern Thinking

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The Great Reserve 

Planting trees and carbon offsetting is one thing, but it’s not just for the short-term or one-off projects. That’s why we love the symbolic and thoughtful approach of The Great Reserve tree-planting project.

We have committed to offset a lifetime’s carbon for staff members by signing up to The Sequoia Project from The Great Reserve. This is a visible commitment to personal carbon usage to allow greater focus on the wider carbon footprint of Sash & Case Windows Direct. We ordered our first giant sequoia on the 1st November 2021. This has proven a great way to capture the imagination of our staff, and illustrate our commitment of the business to them and our collective environmental responsibilities.

Built to Last. Made to be enjoyed

Recycling. Re-Using. Reducing.

Recycling isn’t a “one-off exercise” for us. It’s an inherent part of the way we now work. Some of our client projects do involve a lot of materials being replaced. This is a very visible aspect of construction work and we proactively work with clients, partners and support agencies to recycle, re-use and reduce. Investing a little thought, a little time and a little effort has proven, job after job, that we can make a significant environmental impact as a business, locally, and further afield. We’re always happy to share our thoughts, learning and experience. If you’d like to find out more about our approach to the environment then feel free to get in touch.

Traditional Craftsmanship. Modern Thinking

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Sash & Case Windows Edinburgh

Why Choose Sash & Case Windows Direct?

We recognise that you are the customer and it’s your choice who you work with and why. We try to make it clear in any and every engagement that you have with Sash & Case Windows Direct that we’re all about quality, value and service. Offering solutions that are build to last and made to be enjoyed. Traditional Craftsmanship with modern thinking.

You may think that windows are windows. We think that they are so much more. Your eyes to the beauty of the City of Edinburgh offering light, life and happiness. Quality materials. Quality Craftsmanship. Representing quality investment. Saving you energy. Saving You money. Reducing sound pollution. Adding value to your home. Offering solutions that last the lifetime of your home.

Working with Sash & Case Windows Direct means that we’re here for as long as you have windows. Repairs. Restoration. Replacement. Whatever’s needed for your happiness and peace of mind.

Why Not Get In Touch To Find Out More?

Replacement Sash & Case Windows Edinburgh

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